Wherobots Spatial Catalog

A central repository for discovering and managing cloud native spatial data assets across teams, storage buckets, and organizations.

Wherobots Spatial Catalog

Connect to your first party data to trusted spatial datasets

The catalog allows teams to discover spatial datasets and assets they have created across storage repositories, ensuring they remain both accessible and controlled.
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Make your spatial data agile

The Wherobots Spatial Catalog offers popular geospatial datasets out-of-the-box, so you can gain insights in less time. Easily join these datasets with your own to enrich your data with geospatial context.
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Persist your enriched assets in your cloud storage to enable spatial intelligence

Discover, manage, and build the foundation of spatial intelligence. Centralize your data assets in Wherobots Spatial Catalog so teams across your organization can easily discover and collaborate on spatial data products.

Deliver data products on the Wherobots spatial catalog

Have spatial products to offer?
Contact us to collaborate and make them available to the teams who need them.

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