Generating global PMTiles from Overture Maps in 26 minutes with WherobotsDB VTiles

We previously described the performance and scalability challenges of generating tiles and how they can be overcome with WherobotsDB VTiles. Today we will demonstrate how you can use VTiles to generate vector tiles for three planetary scale Overture Maps Foundation datasets in PMTiles format: places, buildings, and division areas.

Quick recap: What are Vector Tiles and why should you use PMTiles?

Vector tiles are small chunks of map data that allow for efficient and customizable map rendering at varying zoom levels. Vector tiles contain geometric and attribute data, for example roads and their names, that facilitate dynamic styling of map features on the fly, offering more flexibility and interactivity.

PMTiles is a cloud-native file format that is designed for holding an entire collection of tiles, in this case vector tiles. The PMTiles format enables individual tiles to be queried directly from cloud object storage like Amazon S3. By querying directly from cloud storage, you no longer need to set up and manage dedicated infrastructure, reducing your costs, effort, and time-to-tile-generation.

Tile Viewer

If you’re sharing, inspecting, or debugging tiles you’ll need to visualize them. To make these processes easier, Wherobots created a tile viewer site, available at This tool comes from the PMTiles github repository, and it has offers the following features:

  • Viewing tiles with a dark themed basemap
  • Inspecting individual tiles, selected from a list of all the tiles in the set
  • Inspecting the metadata and header information of the PMTiles file

This viewer takes a url for a tileset. If your tiles are stored in a private S3 bucket you will need to generate a signed URL. Wherobots Cloud has a function for converting your S3 URI to a signed url:

from import get_signed_url

get_signed_url(my_s3_path, expiration_in_seconds)

my_s3_path will be an s3 uri, like s3://myBucket/my/prefix/to/tiles.pmtiles and expiration_in_seconds will be an int representing the number of seconds the signed url will be valid for.

The tile viewer will be used to explore the tiles we generate in our examples.


The following examples show tile generation using VTiles for three Overture layers at a planetary scale. Because we are working with planetary scale datasets and want quick results, we will use the large runtimes available in the professional tier of Wherobots Cloud.

Tile generation time is provided in each example, and includes time to load the input data, transform it, generate tiles, and save the PMTiles file in an S3 bucket. It does not include the time to start the cluster.

To run the examples below, just make sure your sedona session is started:

from sedona.spark import SedonaContext

config = SedonaContext.builder().getOrCreate()
sedona = SedonaContext.create(config)

We start by creating PMTiles for the places dataset. With VTiles, this is a straightforward case for several reasons:

  1. The dataset contains only points. A point feature rarely spans multiple tiles as it has no dimensions. The tile generation time is strongly influenced by the sum of the number of features multiplied by the number of tiles which that feature intersects.
  2. At 50 million records, this is a relatively small dataset compared to the buildings dataset at 2.3 billion features.
  3. We will do minimal customization. VTiles’ feature filters allow us to control which features go into which tiles based on the tile id (x, y, z) and the feature itself (area, length, and user-provided columns). We will go more in depth on feature filters in the division areas example.
import pyspark.sql.functions as f
import os

from wherobots.vtiles import GenerationConfig, generate_pmtiles

    os.getenv("USER_S3_PATH") + "tile_blog/places.pmtiles",
    GenerationConfig(6, 15)

This example generates a PMTiles file for zooms 6 through 15. Since the places dataset contains features that are not relevant at a global level, we selected a minimum zoom of 6, about the size of a large European country. The max zoom of 15 is selected because the precision provided should be sufficient and overzooming means that our places will still render at higher zooms. The OpenStreetMap wiki has a helpful page about how large a tile is at each zoom level. The name and category of each place will be included in the tiles.

Tile generation time was 2 minutes and 23 seconds on a Tokyo runtime. The resulting PMTiles archive is 28.1 GB.


This example generates tiles for all buildings in the Overture building dataset. This is about 2.3 billion features. The roughly uniform size of the features and the relatively small size of buildings relative to the higher zoom tiles means that the number of (feature, tile) combinations is similar to |features| * |zooms|. Because of this homogeneity, we can expect a quick execution without the use of a feature filter. This example represents a typical use case where there is a very large number of features and where the extent of a tile at maximum zoom is larger than the size of a feature.

import pyspark.sql.functions as f
import os

from wherobots.vtiles import GenerationConfig, generate_pmtiles

    os.getenv("USER_S3_PATH") + "tile_blog/buildings.pmtiles",
    GenerationConfig(10, 15)

This example generates a PMTiles file for zooms 10 through 15. The minimum zoom of 10 was selected because buildings aren’t useful at lower zooms for most use cases. The max zoom of 15 was selected because the precision provided should be sufficient and overzooming means that our buildings will still render at higher zooms. The properties of a very large percentage of the Overture buildings are null so we haven’t included any here.

Tile generation time was 26 minutes on a Tokyo runtime. The resulting PMTiles archive is 438.4 GB.

Division Areas

The third example creates tiles for all polygons and multipolygons in the Overture division areas dataset. This dataset is just under one million records. Despite its small size, this dataset can be challenging to process. It contains polygons and multipolygons representing areas, from countries which are large and highly detailed, to small neighborhoods with minimal detail. The appropriate min/max zoom for countries and neighborhoods is very different.

Recall from the places example that the amount of work the system must do is strongly related to the number of (feature, tile) pairs. A country outline like Canada might cover an entire tile at zoom 5. It will be in roughly 2 * 4^(max_zoom - 5) tiles across all zooms; if max_zoom is 15, that’s over 2 million tiles. You can quickly wind up with an unexpectedly large execution time and tiles archive if you do not take this into account. Most use cases will benefit from setting different min and max zooms for different features, which you can do in VTiles via a feature filter.

Let’s first profile the base case with no feature filter.

import pyspark.sql.functions as f
import os

from wherobots.vtiles import GenerationConfig, generate_pmtiles

    os.getenv("USER_S3_PATH") + "tile_blog/division_area.pmtiles",
    GenerationConfig(3, 15)

This run took a bit over 3 hours on a Tokyo runtime. The resulting PMTiles archive is 158.0 GB. This small dataset takes more time than the buildings dataset that is more than 2300 times larger!

Feature Filters

We can significantly accelerate the execution time of this example using the VTiles feature filters. These feature filters are most commonly used to determine what features should be in a tile on the basis of a category and the zoom level. In this case we will only show countries at lower zooms and neighborhoods at the highest zoom levels. The visual impact of a feature that is much larger than the tile is minimal in typical use cases. The visual impact of a neighborhood is null when it’s smaller than the tile can resolve; it is literally invisible, or perhaps a single pixel. By excluding these features that add no visual information, we save processing time and storage costs, as well as increase the performance of serving the now-smaller tiles.

Here is an example of using feature filters to improve performance of this division area generation task:

import pyspark.sql.functions as f
import os

from wherobots.vtiles import GenerationConfig, generate_pmtiles

    os.getenv("USER_S3_PATH") + "tile_blog/division_area_filtered.pmtiles",
        feature_filter = (
            ((f.col("subType") == f.lit("country")) & (f.col("tile.z") < f.lit(7))) |
            ((f.col("subType") == f.lit("region")) & (f.lit(3) < f.col("tile.z")) & (f.col("tile.z") < f.lit(10))) |
            ((f.col("subType") == f.lit("county")) & (f.lit(9) < f.col("tile.z")) & (f.col("tile.z")  < f.lit(12))) |
            ((f.col("subType") == f.lit("locality")) & (f.lit(10) < f.col("tile.z")) & (f.col("tile.z")  < f.lit(14))) |
            ((f.col("subType") == f.lit("localadmin")) & (f.lit(13) < f.col("tile.z"))) |
            ((f.col("subType") == f.lit("neighborhood")) & (f.lit(13) < f.col("tile.z")))

This run took less than 10 minutes on a Tokyo runtime. The resulting PMTiles archive is 8.9 GB.

Feature filters reduced tile generation time by more than 90%, reduced the dataset size, and lowered the cost compared to the original example. Tiles will also appear less cluttered to the user without having to get one’s hands dirty playing with style sheets.

A Note on Working without Feature Filters

We know that there are use cases with large geometries where it might be difficult to write an effective feature filter or it may be undesirable to filter. For those use cases we have launched a feature in Wherobots 1.3.1 to improve tile generation performance. This will be an option on the GenerationConfig called repartition_frequency. When features are repeatedly split as the algorithm zooms in, those child features wind up in the same partition. This can cause well partitioned input datasets to become skewed by even just a single large record. Setting a repartition frequency to 2 or 4 can help to keep utilization of the cluster high by keeping partitions of roughly uniform size.


The VTiles tile generation functionality is a fast and cost effective way to generate tiles for global data. The Apache Spark-based runtime powered by Apache Sedona and Wherobots Cloud makes loading and transforming data for input into the system straightforward and performant even on large datasets. You can leverage feature filters to curate the contents of your tiles to your use cases and performance goals. We encourage you to try out VTiles with your own data on Wherobots Cloud.

Easily create trip insights at scale by snapping millions of GPS points to road segments using WherobotsAI Map Matching

What is Map Matching?

GPS data is inherently noisy and often lacks precision, which can make it challenging to extract accurate insights. This imprecision means that the GPS points logged may not accurately represent the actual locations where a device was. For example, GPS data from a drive around a lake may incorrectly include points that are over the water!

To address these inaccuracies, teams commonly use two approaches:

  1. Identifying and Dropping Erroneous Points: This method involves manually or algorithmically filtering out GPS points that are clearly incorrect. However, this approach can reduce analytical accuracy, be costly, and is time-intensive.
  2. Map Matching Techniques: A smarter and more effective approach involves using map matching techniques. These techniques take the noisy GPS data points and compute the most likely path taken based on known transportation segments such as roadways or trails.

WherobotsAI Map Matching offers an advanced solution for this problem. It performs map matching with high scale on millions or even billions of trips with ease and performance, ensuring that the GPS data aligns accurately with the actual paths most likely taken.

map matching telematics

An illustration of map matching. Blue dots: GPS samples, Green line: matched trajectory.

Map matching is a common solution for preparing GPS data for use in a wide range of applications including:

  • Sattelite & GPS based navigation
  • GPS tracking of freight
  • Assessing risk of driving behavior for improved insurance pricing
  • Post hoc analysis of self driving car trips for telematics teams
  • Transportation engineering and urban planning

The objective of map matching is to accurately determine which road or path in the digital map corresponds to the observed geographic coordinates, considering factors such as the accuracy of the location data, the density and layout of the road network, and the speed and direction of travel.

Existing Solutions for Map Matching

Most map matching implementations are variants of the Hidden Markov Model (HMM)-based algorithm described by Newson and Krumm in their seminal paper, "Hidden Markov Map Matching through Noise and Sparseness." This foundational research has influenced a variety of map matching solutions available today.

However, traditional HMM-based approaches have notable downsides when working with large-scale GPS datasets:

  1. Significant Costs: Many commercially available map matching APIs charge substantial fees for large-scale usage.
  2. Performance Issues: Traditional map matching algorithms, while accurate, are often not optimized for large-scale computation. They can be prohibitively slow, especially when dealing with extensive GPS data, as the underlying computation struggles to handle the data scale efficiently.

These challenges highlight the need for more efficient and cost-effective solutions capable of handling large-scale GPS datasets without compromising on performance.

RESTful API Map Matching Options

The Mapbox Map Matching API, HERE Maps Route Matching API, and Google Roads API are powerful RESTful APIs for performing map matching. These solutions are particularly effective for small-scale applications. However, for large-scale applications, such as population-level analysis involving millions of trajectories, the costs can become prohibitively high.

For example, as of July 2024, the approximate costs for matching 1 million trips are:

  • Mapbox: $1,600
  • HERE Maps: $4,400
  • Google Maps Platform: $8,000

These prices are based on public pricing pages and do not consider any potential volume-based discounts that may be available.

While these APIs provide robust and accurate map matching capabilities, organizations seeking to perform extensive analyses often must explore more cost-effective alternatives.

Open-Source Map Matching Solutions

Open-source software such as such as Valhalla or GraphHopper can also be used for map matching. However, these solutions are designed for use on a single-machine. If your map matching workload exceeds the capacity that machine, your workload will suffer from extended processing times. Furthermore, you will end up running out of headroom if you are vertically scaling up the ladder of VM sizes.

Meet WherobotsAI Map Matching

WherobotsAI Map Matching is a high performance, low cost, and planetary scale map matching capability for your telematics pipelines.

WherobotsAI provides a scalable map matching feature designed for small to very large scale trajectory datasets. It works seamlessly with other Wherobots capabilities, which means you can implement data cleaning, data transformations, and map matching in one single (serverless) data processing pipeline. We’ll see how it works in the following sections.

How it works

WherobotsAI Map Matching takes a DataFrame containing trajectories and another DataFrame containing road segments, and produces a DataFrame containing map matched results. Here is a walk-through of using WherobotsAI Map Matching to match trajectories in the VED dataset to the OpenStreetMap (OSM) road network.

1. Preparing the Trajectory Data

First, we load the trajectory data. We’ll use the preprocessed VED dataset stored as GeoParquet files for demonstration.

dfPath ="geoparquet").load("s3://wherobots-benchmark-prod/data/mm/ved/VED_traj/")

The trajectory dataset should contain the following attributes:

  • A unique ID for trips. In this example the ids attribute is the unique ID of each trip.
  • A geometry attribute containing LineStrings, in this case the geometry attribute is for trip data.

The rows in the trajectory DataFrame look like this:

|ids|VehId|Trip|              coords|            geometry|
|  0|    8| 706|[{0, 42.277558333...|LINESTRING (-83.6...|
|  1|    8| 707|[{0, 42.277681388...|LINESTRING (-83.6...|
|  2|    8| 708|[{0, 42.261997222...|LINESTRING (-83.7...|
|  3|   10|1558|[{0, 42.277065833...|LINESTRING (-83.7...|
|  4|   10|1561|[{0, 42.286599722...|LINESTRING (-83.7...|
only showing top 5 rows
2. Preparing the Road Network Data

We’ll use the OpenStreetMap (OSM) data specific to the Ann Arbor, Michigan region to map match our trip data with. Wherobots provides an API for loading road network data from OSM XML files.

from wherobots import matcher
dfEdge = matcher.load_osm("s3://wherobots-examples/data/osm_AnnArbor_large.xml", "[car]")

The loaded road network DataFrame looks like this:

|            geometry|       src|     dst|   src_lat|    src_lon|   dst_lat|    dst_lon|
|LINESTRING (-83.7...|  68133325|27254523| 42.238819|-83.7390142|42.2386159|-83.7390153|
|LINESTRING (-83.7...|9405840276|27254523|42.2386058|-83.7388915|42.2386159|-83.7390153|
|LINESTRING (-83.7...|  68133353|27254523|42.2385675|-83.7390856|42.2386159|-83.7390153|
|LINESTRING (-83.7...|2262917109|27254523|42.2384552|-83.7390313|42.2386159|-83.7390153|
|LINESTRING (-83.7...|9979197063|27489080|42.3200426|-83.7272283|42.3200887|-83.7273003|
only showing top 5 rows

Users can also prepare the road network data from any data source using any data processing procedures, as long as the schema of the road network DataFrame conforms to the requirement of the Map Matching API.

3. Run Map Matching

Once the trajectories and road network data is ready, we can run matcher.match to match trajectories to the road network.

dfMmResult = matcher.match(dfEdge, dfPath, "geometry", "geometry")

The dfMmResult contains the trajectories snapped to the roads in matched_points attribute:

|ids|     observed_points|      matched_points|       matched_nodes|
|275|LINESTRING (-83.6...|LINESTRING (-83.6...|[62574078, 773611...|
|253|LINESTRING (-83.6...|LINESTRING (-83.6...|[5930199197, 6252...|
| 88|LINESTRING (-83.7...|LINESTRING (-83.7...|[4931645364, 6249...|
|561|LINESTRING (-83.6...|LINESTRING (-83.6...|[29314519, 773612...|
|154|LINESTRING (-83.7...|LINESTRING (-83.7...|[5284529433, 6252...|
only showing top 5 rows

We can visualize the map matching result using SedonaKepler to see what the matched trajectories look like:

mapAll = SedonaKepler.create_map()
SedonaKepler.add_df(mapAll, dfEdge, name="Road Network")
SedonaKepler.add_df(mapAll, dfMmResult.selectExpr("observed_points AS geometry"), name="Observed Points")
SedonaKepler.add_df(mapAll, dfMmResult.selectExpr("matched_points AS geometry"), name="Matched Points")

The following figure shows the map matching results. The red lines are original trajectories, and the green lines are matched trajectories. We can see that the noisy original trajectories are all snapped to the road network.

map matching results example 2


We used WherobotsAI Map Matching to match 90 million trips across the entire US in just 1.5 hours on the Wherobots Tokyo runtime, which equates to approximately 1 million trips per minute. The average cost of matching 1 million trips is an order of magnitude less costly and more efficient than the options outlined above.

The “optimization magic” behind WherobotsAI Map Matching lies in how Wherobots intelligently and automatically co-partitions trajectory and road network datasets based on the spatial proximity of their elements, ensuring a balanced distribution of work. As a result, the computational load is balanced evenly through this partitioning strategy, and makes map matching with Wherobots highly efficient, scalable, and affordable compared to alternatives.

Try It Out!

You can try out WherobotsAI Map Matching by starting a notebook environment in Wherobots Cloud and running our example notebook within Wherobots Cloud.


You can also check out the WherobotsAI Map Matching tutorial and reference documentation for more information!

Want to keep up with the latest developer news from the Wherobots and Apache Sedona community? Sign up for the This Month In Wherobots Newsletter:

Unlock Satellite Imagery Insights with WherobotsAI Raster Inference

Recently we introduced WherobotsAI Raster Inference to unlock analytics on satellite and aerial imagery using SQL or Python. Raster Inference simplifies extracting insights from satellite and aerial imagery using SQL or Python, and is powered by open-source machine learning models. This feature is currently in preview, and we are expanding it’s capabilities to support more models. Below we’ll dig into the popular computer vision tasks that Raster Inference supports, describe how it works, and how you can use it to run batch inference to find and map electricity infrastructure.

Watch the live demo of these capabilities here.

The Power of Machine Learning with Satellite Imagery

Petabytes of satellite imagery are generated each day all over the world in a dizzying number of sensor types and image resolutions. The applications for satellite imagery and other remote sensing data sources are broad and diverse. For example, satellites with consistent, continuous orbits are ideal for monitoring forest carbon stocks to validate carbon credits or estimating agricultural yields.

However, this data has been inaccessible for most analysts and even seasoned ML practitioners because insight extraction required specialized skills. We’ve done the work to make insight extraction simple and accessible to more people. Raster Inference abstracts the complexity and scales to support planetary-scale imagery datasets, so you don’t need ML expertise to derive insights. In this blog, we explore the key features that make Raster Inference effective for land cover classification, solar farm mapping, and marine infrastructure detection. And, in the near future, you will be able to use Raster Inference with your own models!

Introduction to Popular and Supported Machine Learning Tasks

Raster Inference supports the three most common kinds of computer vision models that are applied to imagery: classification, object detection, and semantic segmentation. Instance segmentation (combines object localization and semantic segmentation) is another common type of model which is not currently supported, but let us know if you need by contacting us and we can add it to the roadmap.

Computer Vision Detection Types
Computer Vision Detection Categories from Lin et al. Microsoft COCO: Common Objects in Context

The figure above illustrates these tasks. Image classification is when an image is assigned one or more text labels. In image (a), the scene is assigned the labels “person”, “sheep”, and “dog”. Image (b) is an example of object localization (or object detection). Object localization creates bounding boxes around objects of interest and assigns labels. In this image, five sheep are localized separately along with one human and one dog. Finally, semantic segmentation is when each pixel is given a category label, as shown in image (c). Here we can see all the pixels belonging to sheep are labeled blue, the dog is labeled red, and the person is labeled teal.

While these examples highlight detection tasks on regular imagery, these computer vision models can be applied to raster formatted imagery. Raster data formats are the most common data formats for satellite and aerial imagery. When objects of interest in raster imagery are localized, their bounding boxes can be georeferenced, which means that each pixel is localized to spatial coordinates, such as latitude and longitude. Therefore, georeferencing is object localization suited for spatial analytics.

The example above shows various applications of object detection for localizing and classifying features in high resolution satellite and aerial imagery. This example comes from DOTA, a 15-class dataset of different objects in RGB and grayscale satellite imagery. Public datasets like DOTA are used to develop and benchmark machine learning models.

Not only are there many publicly available object detection models, but also there are many semantic segmentation models.

Semantic Segmentation
Sourced from “A Scale-Aware Masked Autoencoder for Multi-scale Geospatial Representation Learning”.

Not every machine learning model should be treated equally, and each will have their own tradeoffs. You can see the difference between the ground truth image (human annotated buildings representing the real world) and segmentation results across two models (Scale-MAE and Vanilla MAE). These results are derived from the same image at two different resolutions (referred to as GSD, or Ground Sampling Distance).

  • Scale-MAE is a model developed to handle detection tasks at various resolutions with different sensor inputs. It uses a similar MAE model architecture as the Vanilla MAE, but is trained specifically for detection tasks on overhead imagery that span different resolutions.
  • The Vanilla MAE is not trained to handle varying resolutions in overhead imagery. It’s performance suffers in the top row and especially the bottom row, where resolution is coarser, as seen by the mismatch between Vanilla MAE and the ground truth image where many pixels are incorrectly classified.

Satellite Analytics Before Raster Inference

Without Raster Inference, typically a team who is looking to extract insights from overhead imagery using ML would need to:

  1. Deploy a distributed runtime to scale out workloads such as data loading, preprocessing, and inference.
  2. Develop functionality to operate on raster metadata to easily filter it by location to run inference workloads on specific areas of interest.
  3. Optimize models to run performantly on GPUs, which can involve complex rewrites of the underlying model prediction logic.
  4. Create and manage data preprocessing pipelines to normalize, resize, and collate raster imagery into the correct data type and size required by the model.
  5. Develop the logic to run data loading, preprocessing, and model inference efficiently at scale.

Raster Inference and its SQL and Python APIs abstract this complexity so you and your team can easily perform inference on massive raster datasets.

Raster Inference APIs for SQL and Python

Raster Inference offers APIs in both SQL and Python to run inference tasks. These APIs are designed to be easy to use, even if you’re not a machine learning expert. RS_CLASSIFY can be used for scene classification, RS_BBOXES_DETECT for object detection, and RS_SEGMENT for semantic segmentation. Each function produces tabular results which can be georeferenced either for the scene, object, or segmentation depending on the function. The records can be joined or visualized with other data (geospatial or traditional) to curate enriched datasets and insights. Here are SQL and Python examples for RS_Segment.

RS_SEGMENT('{model_id}', outdb_raster) AS segment_result
df = df_raster_input.withColumn("segment_result", rs_segment(model_id, col("outdb_raster")))

Example: Mapping Electricity Infrastructure

Imagine you want to optimize the location of new EV charging stations, but you want to target locations based on the availability of green energy sources, such as local solar farms. You can use Raster Inference to detect and locate solar farms and cross-reference these locations with internal data or other vector geometries that captures demand for EV charging. This use case will be demonstrated in our upcoming release webinar on July 10th.

Let’s walk through how to use Raster Inference for this use case.

First, we run predictions on rasters to find solar farms. The following code block that calls RS_SEGMENT shows how easy this is.

        RS_SEGMENT('{model_id}', outdb_raster) AS segment_result

The confidence_array column produced from RS_SEGMENT can be assigned the same geospatial coordinates as the raster input and converted to a vector that can be spatially joined and processed with WherobotsDB using RS_SEGMENT_TO_GEOMS. We select a confidence threshold of .65 so that we only georeference high confidence detections.

        SELECT RS_SEGMENT_TO_GEOMS(outdb_raster, confidence_array, array(1), class_map, 0.65) result
        FROM predictions_df
    SELECT result.* FROM t
|     class|avg_confidence_score|            geometry|
|Solar Farm|  0.7205783606825462|MULTIPOLYGON (((-...|
|Solar Farm|  0.7273308333550763|MULTIPOLYGON (((-...|
|Solar Farm|  0.7301468510823231|MULTIPOLYGON (((-...|
|Solar Farm|  0.7180177244988899|MULTIPOLYGON (((-...|
|Solar Farm|   0.728077805771141|MULTIPOLYGON (((-...|
|Solar Farm|     0.7264981572898|MULTIPOLYGON (((-...|
|Solar Farm|  0.7044100126912517|MULTIPOLYGON (((-...|
|Solar Farm|  0.7137283466756343|MULTIPOLYGON (((-...|

This allows us to integrate the vectorized model predictions with other spatial datasets and easily visualize the results with SedonaKepler.

Here Raster Inference runs on a 85 GiB dataset with 2,200 raster scenes for Arizona. Using a Sedona (tiny) runtime, Raster Inference completed in 430 seconds, predicting solar farms for all low cloud cover satellite images for the state of Arizona for the month of October. If we scale up our runtime to a San Francisco (small) runtime, the inference speed nearly doubles. In general, average bytes processed per second by Wherobots increases as datasets scale in size because startup costs are amortized over time. Processing speed also increases as runtimes scale in size.

Inference time (seconds) Runtime Size
430 Sedona
246 San Francisco

We use predictions from the output of Raster Inference to derive insights about which zip codes have the most solar farms, as shown below. This statement joins predicted solar farms with zip codes by location, then ranks zip codes by the pre-computed solar farm area within each zip code. We skipped this step for brevity but you can see it and others in the notebook example.

az_solar_zip_codes = sedona.sql("""
SELECT solar_area, any_value(az_zta5.geometry) AS geometry, ZCTA5CE10
FROM predictions_polys JOIN az_zta5
WHERE ST_Intersects(az_zta5.geometry, predictions_polys.geometry)
ORDER BY solar_area DESC

These predictions are made possible by SATLAS, a family of machine learning models released with Apache 2.0 licensing from Allen AI. The solar model demonstrated above was derived from the SATLAS foundational model. This foundational model can be used as a building block to create models to address specific detection challenges like solar farm detection. Additionally, there are many other open source machine learning models available for deriving insights from satellite imagery, many of which are provided by the TorchGeo project. We are just beginning to explore what these models can achieve for planetary-scale monitoring.

If you have a specific model you would like to see made available, please contact us to let us know.

For detailed instructions on using Raster Inference, please refer to our example Jupyter notebooks in the documentation.

Here are some links to get you started:

Getting Started

Getting started with WherobotsAI Raster Inference is easy. We’ve provided three models in Wherobots Cloud that can be used with our GPU optimized runtimes. Sign up for an account on Wherobots Cloud, send us a note to access the professional tier, start a GPU runtime, and you can run our example Jupyter notebooks to analyze satellite imagery in SQL or Python.

Stay tuned for updates on improvements to Raster Inference that will make it possible to run more models, including your own custom models. We’re excited to hear what models you’d like us to support, or the integrations you need to make running your own models even easier with Raster Inference. We can’t wait for your feedback and to see what you’ll create!

Want to keep up with the latest developer news from the Wherobots and Apache Sedona community? Sign up for the This Month In Wherobots Newsletter:

Introducing WherobotsAI for planetary inference, and capabilities that modernize spatial intelligence at scale

We are excited to announce a preview of WherobotsAI, our new suite of AI and ML powered capabilities that unlock spatial intelligence in satellite imagery and GPS location data. Additionally, we are bringing the high-performance of WherobotsDB to your favorite data applications with a Spatial SQL API that integrates WherobotsDB with more interfaces including Apache Airflow for Spatial ETL. Finally, we’re introducing the most scalable vector tile generator on earth to make it easier for teams to produce engaging and interactive map applications. All of these new features are capable of operating on planetary-scale data.

Watch the walkthrough of this release here.

Wherobots Mission and Vision

Before we dive into this release, we think it’s important to understand how these capabilities fit into our mission, our product principles, and vision for the Spatial Intelligence Cloud so you can see where we are headed.

Our Mission
These new capabilities are core to Wherobots’ mission, which is to unlock spatial intelligence of earth, society, and business, at a planetary scale. We will do this by making it extremely easy to utilize data and AI technology purpose-built for creating spatial intelligence that’s cloud-native and compatible with modern open data architectures.

Our Product Principles

  • We’re building the spatial intelligence platform for modern organizations. Every organization with a mission directly linked to the performance of tangible assets, goods and services, or data products about what’s happening in the physical world, will need a spatial intelligence platform to be competitive, sustainable, and climate adaptive.
  • It delivers intelligence for the greater good. Teams and their organizations want to analyze their worlds to create a net positive impact for business, society, and the earth.
  • It’s purpose-built yet simple. Spatial intelligence won’t scale through in-house ‘spatial experts’, or through general purpose architectures that are not optimized for spatial workloads or development experiences.
  • It’s efficient at any scale. Maximal performance, scale, and cost efficiency can only be achieved through a cloud-native, serverless solution.
  • It creates intelligence with AI. Every organization will need AI alongside modern analytics to create spatial intelligence.
  • It’s open by default. Pace of innovation depends on choice. Organizations that adopt cloud-native, open source compatible, and modern open data architectures will innovate faster because they have more choices in the solutions they can use.

Our Vision
We exist because creating spatial intelligence at-scale is hard. Our contributions to Apache Sedona, leadership in the open geospatial domain, and investments in Wherobots Cloud have, and will make it easier. Users of Apache Sedona, Wherobots customers, and ultimately any AI application will be enabled to support better decisions about our physical and virtual worlds. They will be able to create solutions to improve these worlds that were otherwise infeasible or too costly to build. And the solutions developed will have a positive impact on society, business, and earth — at a planetary scale.

Introducing WherobotsAI

There are petabytes of satellite or aerial imagery produced every day. Yet for most analysts, scientists, and developers, these datasets are analytically inaccessible outside of the naked eye. As a result most organizations still rely on humans and their eyes, to analyze satellite or other forms of aerial imagery. Wherobots can already perform analytics of overhead imagery (also known as raster data) and geospatial objects (known as vector data) simultaneously at scale. But organizations also want to use modern AI and ML technologies to streamline and scale otherwise visual, single threaded tasks like object detection, classification, and segmentation from overhead imagery.

Like satellite imagery that is generally hard to analyze, businesses also find it hard to analyze GPS data in their applications because it’s too noisy; points don’t always correspond to the actual path taken. Teams need an easy solution for snapping noisy GPS data to road or other segment types, at any scale.

Today we are announcing WherobotsAI which offers fully managed AI and machine learning capabilities that accelerate the development of spatial insights, for anyone familiar with SQL or Python. WherobotsAI capabilities include:

[new] Raster Inference (preview): A first of its kind, Raster Inference unlocks the analytical potential of satellite or aerial imagery at a planetary scale, by integrating AI models with WherobotsDB to make it extremely easy to detect, classify, and segment features of interest in satellite and aerial images. You can see how easy it is to detect and georeference solar farms here, with just a few lines of SQL:

  RS_SEGMENT(‘solar-satlas-sentinel2’, outdb_raster) AS solar_farm_result
FROM df_raster_input

These georeferenced predictions can be queried with WherobotsDB and can be interactively explored in a Wherobots notebook. Below is an example of detection of solar panels in SedonaKepler.

AI Inference Solar Farm

The models and AI infrastructure powering Raster Inference are fully managed, which means there’s nothing to set up or configure. Today, you can use Raster Inference to detect, segment, and classify solar farms, land cover, and marine infrastructure from terabyte-scale Sentinel-2 true color and multispectral imagery datasets in under half an hour, on our GPU runtimes available in the Wherobots Professional Edition. Soon we will be making the inference metadata for the models public, so if your own models meet this standard, they are supported by Raster Inference.

These models and datasets are just the starting point for WherobotsAI. We are looking forward to hearing from you to help us define the roadmap for what we should build support for next.

Map Matching: If you need to analyze trips at scale, but struggle to wrangle noisy GPS data, Map Matching is capable of turning billions of noisy GPS pings into signal, by snapping shared points to road or other vector segments. Teams are using Map Matching to process hundreds of millions of vehicle trips per hour. This speed surpasses any current commercial solutions, all for a cost of just a few hundred dollars.

Here’s an example of what WherobotsAI Map Matching does to improve the quality of your trip segments.

  • Red and yellow line segments were created from raw, noisy GPS data.
  • Green represents Map Matched segments.

map matching algorithm

Visit the user documentation to learn more and get started with WherobotsAI.

A Spatial SQL API for WherobotsDB

WherobotsDB, our serverless, highly efficient compute engine compatible with Apache Sedona is up to 60x more performant for spatial joins than popular general purpose big data engines and warehouses, and up to 20x faster than Apache Sedona on its own. It will remain the most performant, earth-friendly solution for your spatial workloads at any scale.

Until today, teams had two options for harnessing WherobotsDB: they could write and run queries in Wherobots managed notebooks, or run spatial ETL pipelines using the Wherobots jobs interface.

Today, we’re enabling you to bring the utility of WherobotsDB to more interfaces with the new Spatial SQL API. Using this API, teams can remotely execute Spatial SQL queries using a remote SQL editor, build first-party applications using our client SDKs in Python (WherobotsDB API driver) and Java (Wherobots JDBC driver), or orchestrate spatial ETL pipelines using a Wherobots Apache Airflow provider.

Run spatial queries with popular SQL IDEs

The following is an example of how to integrate Harlequin, a popular SQL IDE with WherobotsDB. You’ll need a Wherobots API key to get started with Harlequin (or any remote client). API keys allow you to authenticate with Wherobots Cloud for programmatic access to Wherobots APIs and services. API keys can be created following a few steps in our user documentation.

We will query WherobotsDB using Harlequin in the Airflow example later in this blog.

$ pip install harlequin-wherobots
$ harlequin -a wherobots --api-key $(< api.key)

harlequin api key connection

You can find more information on how to use Harlequin in its documentation, and on the WherobotsDB adapter on its GitHub repository.

The Wherobots Python driver enables integration with many other tools as well. Here’s an example of using the Wherobots Python driver in the QGIS Python console to fetch points of interest from the Overture Maps dataset using Spatial SQL API.

from wherobots.db import connect
from wherobots.db.region import Region
from wherobots.db.runtime import Runtime
import geopandas 
from shapely import wkt

with connect(
) as conn:
    curr = conn.cursor()
    SELECT names.common[0].value AS name, categories.main AS category, geometry 
    FROM wherobots_open_data.overture.places_place 
    WHERE ST_DistanceSphere(ST_GeomFromWKT("POINT (-122.46552 37.77196)"), geometry) < 10000
    AND categories.main = "hiking_trail"
    results = curr.fetchall()

results["geometry"] = results.geometry.apply(wkt.loads)
gdf = geopandas.GeoDataFrame(results, crs="EPSG:4326",geometry="geometry")

def add_geodataframe_to_layer(geodataframe, layer_name):
    # Create a new memory layer
    layer = QgsVectorLayer(geodataframe.to_json(), layer_name, "ogr")

    # Add the layer to the QGIS project

add_geodataframe_to_layer(gdf, "POI Layer")

Using the Wherobots Python driver with QGIS

Visit the Wherobots user documentation to get started with the Spatial SQL API, or see our latest blog post that goes deeper into how to use our database drivers with the Spatial SQL API.

Automating Spatial ETL workflows with the Apache Airflow provider for Wherobots

ETL (extract, transform, load) workflows are oftentimes required to prepare spatial data for interactive analytics, or to refresh datasets automatically as new data arrives. Apache Airflow is a powerful and popular open source orchestrator of data workflows. With the Wherobots Apache Airflow provider, you can now use Apache Airflow to convert your spatial SQL queries into automated workflows running on Wherobots Cloud.

Here’s an example of the Wherobots Airflow provider in use. In this example we identify the top 100 buildings in the state of New York with the most places (facilities, services, business, etc.) registered within them using the Overture Maps dataset, and we’ll eventually auto-refresh the result daily. The initial view can be generated with the following SQL query:

CREATE TABLE wherobots.test_db.top_100_hot_buildings_daily AS
SELECT AS building,
  count(places.geometry) AS places_count,
  '2023-07-24' AS ts
FROM wherobots_open_data.overture.places_place places
JOIN wherobots_open_data.overture.buildings_building buildings
  ON ST_CONTAINS(buildings.geometry, places.geometry)
WHERE places.updatetime >= '2023-07-24'
  AND places.updatetime < '2023-07-25'
  AND ST_CONTAINS(ST_PolygonFromEnvelope(-79.762152, 40.496103, -71.856214, 45.01585), places.geometry)
  AND ST_CONTAINS(ST_PolygonFromEnvelope(-79.762152, 40.496103, -71.856214, 45.01585), buildings.geometry)
GROUP BY building
ORDER BY places_count DESC
  • A place in Overture is defined as real-world facilities, services, businesses or amenities.
  • We used an arbitrary date of 2023-07-24.
  • New York is defined by a simple bounding box polygon (79.762152, 40.496103, -71.856214, 45.01585) (we could alternatively join with its appropriate administrative boundary polygon)
  • We use two WHERE clauses on places.updatetime to filter one day’s worth of data.
  • The query creates a new table wherobots.test_db.top_100_hot_buildings_daily to store the query result. Note that it will not directly return any records because we are loading directly into a table.

Now, lets use Harlequin as described earlier to inspect the outcome of creating this table with the above query:

SELECT * FROM wherobots.test_db.top_100_hot_buildings_daily

Harlequin query test 2

Apache Airflow and the Airflow Provider for Wherobots allow you to schedule and execute this query each day, injecting the appropriate date filters into your templatized query.

  • In your Apache Airflow instance, install the airflow-providers-wherobots library. You can either execute pip install airflow-providers-wherobots, or add the library to the dependency list of your Apache Airflow runtime.
  • Create a new “generic” connection for Wherobots called wherobots_default, using as the “Host” and your Wherobots API key as the “Password”.

The next step is to create an Airflow DAG. The Wherobots Provider exposes the WherobotsSqlOperator for executing SQL queries. Update the hardcoded “2023-07-24” in your query into the Airflow template macros {ds} and {next_ds}, which will be rendered as the DAG schedule date on the fly:

import datetime

from airflow import DAG
from airflow_providers_wherobots.operators.sql import WherobotsSqlOperator

with DAG(
    start_date=datetime.datetime.strptime("2023-07-24", "%Y-%m-%d"),
    operator = WherobotsSqlOperator(
        INSERT INTO wherobots.test_db.top_100_hot_buildings_daily
 AS building,
          count(places.geometry) AS places_count,
          '{{ ds }}' AS ts
        FROM wherobots_open_data.overture.places_place places
        JOIN wherobots_open_data.overture.buildings_building buildings
          ON ST_CONTAINS(buildings.geometry, places.geometry)
        WHERE places.updatetime >= '{{ ds }}'
          AND places.updatetime < '{{ next_ds }}'
          AND ST_CONTAINS(ST_PolygonFromEnvelope(-79.762152, 40.496103, -71.856214, 45.01585), places.geometry)
          AND ST_CONTAINS(ST_PolygonFromEnvelope(-79.762152, 40.496103, -71.856214, 45.01585), buildings.geometry)
        GROUP BY building
        ORDER BY places_count DESC
        LIMIT 100

You can visualize the status of the and log of the DAG’s execution in the Apache Airflow UI. As shown below, the operator prints out the exact query rendered and executed when you run your DAG.

apache airflow spatial sql api
Please visit the Wherobots user documentation for more details on how to set up your Apache Airflow instance with the Wherobots Provider.

Generate Vector Tiles — formatted as PMTiles — at Global Scale

Vector tiles are high resolution representations of features optimized for visualization, computed offline and displayed in map applications. This decouples dataset preparation from client side rendering driven by zooming and panning. By decoupling dataset preparation from the interactive experience, map developers use vector tiles to significantly improve the utility, clarity, and responsiveness of feature rich interactive map applications.

Traditional vector tiles generators like Tippecanoe are limited to the processing capability of a single VM and require the use of limited formats. These solutions are great for small-scale tile generation workloads when data is already in the right file format. But if you’re like the teams we’ve worked with, you may start small and need to scale past the limits of a single VM, or have a variety of file formats. You just want to generate vector tiles with the data you have, at any scale without having to worry about format conversion steps, configuring infrastructure, partitioning your workload around the capability of a VM, or waiting for workloads to complete.

Vector Tile Generation, or VTiles for WherobotsDB generates vector tiles in PMTiles format across common data lake formats, incredibly quickly and at a planetary scale, so you can start small and know you have the capability to scale without having to look for another solution. VTiles is incredibly fast because serverless computation is parallelized, and the WherobotsDB engine is optimized for vector tile generation. This means your development teams can spend less time building map applications that matter to your customers.

Using a Tokyo runtime, we generated vector tiles with VTiles for all buildings in the Overture dataset, from zoom levels 4-15 across the entire planet, in 23 minutes. That’s fast and efficient for a planetary scale operation. You can run the tile-generation-example notebook in the Wherobots Pro tier to experience the speed and simplicity of Vtiles yourself. Here’s what this looks like:

Visit our user documentation to start generating vector tiles at-scale.

Try Wherobots now

We look forward to hearing how you put these new capabilities to work, along with your feedback to increase the usefulness of the Wherobots Cloud platform. You can try these new features today by creating a Wherobots Cloud account. WherobotsAI is a professional tier feature.

Please reach out on LinkedIn or connect to us on email at

Want to keep up with the latest developer news from the Wherobots and Apache Sedona community? Sign up for the This Month In Wherobots Newsletter:

The Spatial SQL API brings the performance of WherobotsDB to your favorite data applications

Since its launch last fall, Wherobots has raised the bar for cloud-native geospatial data analytics, offering the first and only platform for working with vector and raster geospatial data together at a planetary scale. Wherobots delivers a significant breadth of geospatial analytics capabilities, built around a cloud-native data lakehouse architecture and query engine that delivers up to 60x better performance than incumbent solutions. Accessible through the powerful notebook experience data scientists and data engineers know and love, Wherobots Cloud is the most comprehensive, approachable, and fully-managed serverless offering for enabling spatial intelligence at scale.

Today, we’re announcing the Wherobots Spatial SQL API, powered by Apache Sedona, to bring the performance of WherobotsDB to your favorite data applications. This opens the door to a world of direct-SQL integrations with Wherobots Cloud, bringing a serverless cloud engine that’s optimized for spatial workloads at any scale into your spatial ETL pipelines and applications, and taking your users and engineers closer to your data and spatial insights.

Register for our release webinar on July 10th here:

Developers love Wherobots because compute is abstracted and managed by Wherobots Cloud. Because it can run at a planetary scale, Wherobots streamlines development and reduces time to insight. It runs on a data lake architecture, so data doesn’t need to be copied into a proprietary storage system, and integrates into familiar development tools and interfaces for exploratory analytics and orchestrating production spatial ETL pipelines.

Utilize Apache Airflow or SQL IDEs with WherobotsDB via the Spatial SQL API

Wherobots Cloud and the Wherobots Spatial SQL API are powered by WherobotsDB, with Apache Sedona at its core: a distributed computation engine that can horizontally scale to handle computation and analytics on any dataset. Wherobots Cloud automatically manages the infrastructure and compute resources of WherobotsDB to serve your use case based on how much computation power you need.

Behind the scenes, your Wherobots Cloud “runtime” defines the amount of compute resources allocated and the configuration of the software environment that executes your workload (in particular for AI/ML use cases, or if your ETL or analytics workflow depends on 1st or 3rd party libraries).

Our always-free Community Edition gives access to a modest “Sedona” runtime for working with small-scale datasets. Our Professional Edition unlocks access to much larger runtimes, up to our “Tokyo” runtime capable of working on planetary-scale datasets, and GPU-accelerated options for your WherobotsAI workloads.

With the release of the Wherobots Spatial SQL API and its client SDKs, you can bring WherobotsDB, the ease-of-use, and the expressiveness of SQL to your Apache Airflow spatial ETL pipelines, your applications, and soon to tools like Tableau, Superset, and other 3rd party systems and applications that support JDBC.

Our customers love applying the performance and scalability of WherobotsDB to their data preparation workflows and their compute-intensive data processing applications.

Use cases include

  • Preparation of nationwide and planetary-scale datasets for their users and customers
  • Processing hundreds of millions of mobility data records every day
  • Creating and analyzing spatial datasets in support of their real estate strategy and decision-making.

Now customers have the option to integrate new tools with Wherobots for orchestration and development of spatial insights using the Spatial SQL API.

How to get started with the Spatial SQL API

By establishing a connection to the Wherobots Spatial SQL API, a SQL session is started backed by your selected WherobotsDB runtime (or a “Sedona” by default but you can specify larger runtimes if you need more horsepower). Queries submitted through this connection are securely executed against your runtime, with compute fully managed by Wherobots.

We provide client SDKs in Java and in Python to easily connect and interact with WherobotsDB through the Spatial SQL API, as well as an Airflow Provider to build your spatial ETL DAGs; all of which are open-source and available on package registries, as well as on Wherobots’ GitHub page.

Using the Wherobots SQL Driver in Python

Wherobots provides an open-source Python library that exposes a DB-API 2.0 compatible interface for connecting to WherobotsDB. To build a Python application around the Wherobots DB-API driver, add the wherobots-python-dbapi library to your project’s dependencies:

$ poetry add wherobots-python-dbapi

Or directly install the package on your system with pip:

$ pip install wherobots-python-dbapi

From your Python application, establish a connection with wherobots.db.connect() and use cursors to execute your SQL queries and use their results:

import logging

from wherobots.db import connect
from wherobots.db.region import Region
from wherobots.db.runtime import Runtime

# Optionally, setup logging to get information about the driver's
# activity.
    format="%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(levelname)s %(name)20s: %(message)s",
    datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",

# Get your API key, or securely read it from a local file.
api_key = '...'

with connect(
  region=Region.AWS_US_WEST_2) as conn:
        cur = conn.cursor()
        sql = """
              names['primary'] AS name,
          WHERE localityType = 'country'
          SORT BY population DESC
          LIMIT 10
        results = cur.fetchall()

For more information and future releases, see on GitHub.

Using the Apache Airflow provider

Wherobots provides an open-source provider for Apache Airflow, defining an Airflow operator for executing SQL queries directly on WherobotsDB. With this new capability, you can integrate your spatial analytics queries, data preparation or data processing steps into new or existing Airflow workflow DAGs.

To build or extend your Airflow DAG using the WherobotsSqlOperator , add the airflow-providers-wherobots dependency to your project:

$ poetry add airflow-providers-wherobots

Define your connection to Wherobots; by default the Wherobots operators use the wherobots_default connection ID:

$ airflow connections add "wherobots_default" \
    --conn-type "wherobots" \
    --conn-host "" \
    --conn-password "$(< api.key)"

Instantiate the WherobotsSqlOperator and with your choice of runtime and your SQL query, and integrate it into your Airflow DAG definition:

from wherobots.db.runtime import Runtime
import airflow_providers_wherobots.operators.sql.WherobotsSqlOperator


select = WherobotsSqlOperator(
              names['primary'] AS name,
          WHERE localityType = 'country'
          SORT BY population DESC
          LIMIT 10
# select.execute() or integrate into your Airflow DAG definition

apache airflow spatial sql api
For more information and future releases, see on GitHub.

Using the Wherobots SQL Driver in Java

Wherobots provides an open-source Java library that implements a JDBC (Type 4) driver for connecting to WherobotsDB. To start building Java applications around the Wherobots JDBC driver, add the following line to your build.gradle file’s dependency section:

implementation "com.wherobots:wherobots-jdbc-driver"

In your application, you only need to work with Java’s JDBC APIs from the java.sql package:

import com.wherobots.db.Region;
import com.wherobots.db.Runtime;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.Statement;

// Get your API key, or securely read it from a local file.
String apiKey = "...";

Properties props = new Properties();
props.setProperty("apiKey", apiKey);
props.setProperty("runtime", Runtime.SEDONA);
props.setProperty("region", Region.AWS_US_WEST_2);

try (Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:wherobots://", props)) {
    String sql = """
            names['primary'] AS name,
        WHERE localityType = 'country'
        SORT BY population DESC
        LIMIT 10
  Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
  try (ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql)) {
    while ( {
      System.out.printf("%s: %s %f %s\n",

For more information and future releases, see on GitHub.


The Wherobots Spatial SQL API takes Wherobots’ vision of hassle-free, scalable geospatial data analytics & AI one step further by making it the easiest way to run your Spatial SQL queries in the cloud. Paired with Wherobots and Apache Sedona’s comprehensive support for working with all geospatial data at any scale and in any format, and with Wherobots AI’s inference features available directly from SQL, the Wherobots Spatial SQL API is also the most flexible and the most capable platform for getting the most out of your data.

Wherobots vision

We exist because creating spatial intelligence at-scale is hard. Our contributions to Apache Sedona, leadership in the open geospatial domain, and investments in Wherobots Cloud have, and will make it easier. Users of Apache Sedona, Wherobots customers, and ultimately any AI application will be enabled to support better decisions about our physical and virtual worlds. They will be able to create solutions to improve these worlds that were otherwise infeasible or too costly to build. And the solutions developed will have a positive impact on society, business, and earth — at a planetary scale.

Want to keep up with the latest developer news from the Wherobots and Apache Sedona community? Sign up for the This Month In Wherobots Newsletter:

Unlocking the Spatial Frontier: The Evolution and Potential of spatial technology in Apple Vision Pro and Augmented Reality Apps

The evolution of Augmented Reality (AR) from the realm of science fiction to tangible, practical applications like Augmented Driving, Pokemon Go, and Meta Quest marked a significant shift in how we interact with technology and perceive our surroundings. The recent introduction of Apple Vision Pro underscores this transition, bringing AR closer to mainstream adoption. While the ultimate fate of devices like Apple Vision Pro or Meta Quest remains uncertain, their technological capabilities are undeniably impressive.

One of the key components of Apple Vision Pro is what Apple refers to as "Spatial Computing." While the term itself isn’t novel, with decades of research exploring the utilization of spatial context in computing, Apple’s interpretation focuses primarily on integrating spatial environments into virtual computing environments and vice versa. This approach builds upon established research in spatial object localization, representation, and spatial query processing. Moreover, it opens doors to leveraging spatial analytics, potentially offering insights and functionalities previously unimaginable.

Despite its roots in earlier research and literature like "Spatial Computing" by Shashi Shekhar and Pamela Vold, Apple’s redefinition underscores a shift in focus towards immersive spatial experiences within computing environments. By leveraging advancements in technology and innovative approaches, Apple and other companies are pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in AR, paving the way for exciting new applications and experiences. This article highlights the technical challenged Apple had to overcome to achieve such milestone and also lay the groundwork for future improvements.

Spatial object localization and Presentation in Apple Vision Pro

Devices like Apple Vision Pro, to work properly, had to first solve challenges in object localization, requiring systems to not only determine the user’s location but also locate objects within the camera’s line of sight. Existing outdoor and indoor localization technologies provide a foundation, but traditional methods face limitations in augmented reality contexts. Apple Vision Pro solved challenges such as varying object positions due to camera angle and real-time localization for moving objects. It also did a great job integrating advanced technologies including image processing, artificial intelligence, and deep learning. Promising research directions involve leveraging semantic embeddings, depth cameras, and trajectory-based map matching algorithms to make sure those devices are usable in outdoor environments. By combining these approaches, the aim is to achieve real-time, high-accuracy object localization across different environments while minimizing device power consumption.

The apple vision pro does a fantastic job presenting virtual data alongside real-world objects captured by the device’s camera. Unlike traditional user interfaces, augmented reality interfaces  must carefully integrate augmented reality data to avoid distorting the user’s view and causing potential safety hazards (while driving or crossing the streets). Apple vision pro still does not completely solve the problem, but there is room for improvement. I believe a big next step for those devices to succeed is to address the challenge of maintaining visual clarity and relevance of augmented data, as well as opportunities to draw from existing research in virtual reality applications and location-aware recommendation techniques. For example, one direction may explore the potential of presenting augmented reality spatial objects as audio messages to users. This alternative modality offers advantages in scenarios where visual attention is already heavily taxed, such as driving. However, an essential aspect of this approach is the ranking of augmented spatial objects to determine their size and prominence, ensuring optimal user engagement while minimizing distractions.

The role of spatial query processing in Apple Vision Pro

Similar to the iPhone, Apple Vision Pro also comes equipped with a range of apps designed to leverage its capabilities. These apps utilize the mixed reality environment by issuing queries to retrieve spatial objects and presenting them within the immersive experience facilitated by Vision Pro. For example, a navigation app using Apple Vision Pro might issue queries to fetch spatial objects such as points of interest, landmarks, or navigation markers. These objects would then be presented within the user’s field of view, overlaying relevant information onto the physical world through the device’s display. Similarly, an education app could retrieve spatial objects representing interactive learning materials or virtual models, enriching the user’s understanding of their surroundings.

To achieve this, the apps would communicate with the mixed reality environment, likely through APIs or SDKs provided by Apple’s developer tools. These interfaces would allow the apps to issue spatial queries to the environment, specifying parameters such as location, distance, and relevance criteria. The mixed reality environment would then return relevant spatial objects based on these queries, which the apps can seamlessly integrate into the user’s immersive experience. By leveraging the capabilities of Apple Vision Pro and interacting with the mixed reality environment, these apps can provide users with rich, context-aware experiences that enhance their understanding and interaction with the world around them. Whether for navigation, education, gaming, or other purposes, the ability to issue queries and retrieve spatial objects is fundamental to unlocking the full potential of Vision Pro’s immersive capabilities.

However, the classic rectangular or circular range query processing techniques may need to be redefined to accommodate the camera range and line of sight. While the camera view can still be formulated using a rectangular range query, this approach may not be very efficient, as not every spatial object within the camera range needs to be retrieved. This inefficiency arises because the more augmented spatial objects stitched to the camera scene, the more distorted the user’s view of the physical world becomes. Furthermore, as the camera’s line of sight changes, the system issues a new range query to the database. This may hinder the real-time constraint imposed by Apple Vision Pro applications.

To optimize the performance of Apple Vision Pro applications, it’s essential to redefine the spatial range query to accurately account for the camera range and line of sight. This could involve implementing algorithms that dynamically adjust the spatial query based on the camera’s current view and line of sight. By doing so, only the relevant augmented spatial objects within the camera’s field of view need to be retrieved, minimizing distortion and ensuring real-time performance for Apple Vision Pro applications.

The role of spatial data analytics in Apple Vision Pro

With the proliferation of applications for the Apple Vision Pro, there will be a surge in the accumulation of spatial data by these apps. This data will encapsulate users’ engagements within both the physical and virtual environments. By processing and analyzing this data, a deeper comprehension of user behavior can be attained, thereby facilitating the optimization of applications to better serve their user base. For instance, consider an apple vision pro app for sightseeing. Here’s how the spatial analytics process might work:

  • Data Collection: The site-seeing app collects spatial data from users as they navigate through the city using Apple Vision Pro. This data could include GPS coordinates, timestamps, images, and possibly other contextual information.
  • Data Processing: The collected spatial data is processed to extract relevant information such as user trajectories, points of interest visited, time spent at each location, and any interactions within the virtual environment overlaid on the physical world.
  • Analysis: Once the data is processed, various analytical techniques can be applied to gain insights. This might involve clustering similar user trajectories to identify popular routes, analyzing dwell times to determine the most engaging attractions, or detecting patterns in user interactions within virtual environments.
  • Insights Generation: Based on the analysis, insights are generated about user behavior and preferences. For example, the app developers might discover that a certain landmark is highly popular among users, or that users tend to spend more time in areas with interactive virtual elements.
  • Application Enhancement: Finally, these insights are used to enhance the site-seeing app. This could involve improving recommendations to users based on their preferences and behavior, optimizing the layout of virtual overlays to increase engagement, or developing new features to better cater to user needs.

By continuously collecting, processing, and analyzing spatial data, the site-seeing app can iteratively improve and evolve, ultimately providing a more personalized and engaging experience for its users. Additionally, users may benefit from discovering new attractions and experiences tailored to their interests, while also contributing to the collective knowledge base that fuels these improvements.

A hiking app on Apple Vision pro could collect spatial data representing users’ interactions with the physical environment while hiking, such as the trails they take, points of interest they stop at, and the duration of their hikes. Additionally, it could also capture interactions with virtual elements overlaid on the real-world environment, such as augmented reality trail markers or informational overlays.

By processing and analyzing this data, the hiking app can gain valuable insights into user behavior. For example, it could identify popular hiking routes, points of interest along those routes, and common user preferences or patterns. This information can then be used to improve the app’s functionality and tailor it to better serve its user base.

For instance, the app could suggest personalized hiking routes based on a user’s past behavior and preferences. It could also provide real-time notifications about points of interest or hazards along the trail, based on data collected from previous users’ interactions. Additionally, the app could use machine learning algorithms to predict future user behavior and offer proactive suggestions or recommendations.

To enable apps to leverage spatial analytics effectively, they require a scalable and user-friendly spatial data analytics platform. This platform should be capable of handling massive and intricate spatial data collected from AR devices, allowing users to execute spatial analytics queries efficiently without the need to optimize compute resources for such workloads. This aligns perfectly with our mission at Wherobots. We envision every Apple Vision Pro app utilizing Wherobots as their all-in-one cloud platform for running spatial data processing and analytics tasks.. By fully leveraging spatial analytics, Apple vision pro and its app ecosystem could unlock a host of new possibilities for augmented reality experiences:

  • Personalized Recommendations: Spatial analytics could enable Apple Vision Pro to analyze users’ past interactions and preferences to offer highly personalized recommendations. For example, the device could suggest nearby attractions based on a user’s interests or recommend routes tailored to their preferences.
  • Predictive Capabilities: By analyzing spatial data in real-time, Apple Vision Pro could anticipate users’ needs and actions, providing proactive assistance and guidance. For instance, the device could predict congestion or obstacles along a chosen route and suggest alternative paths to optimize the user’s journey.
  • Enhanced Immersion: Spatial analytics could enrich augmented reality experiences by dynamically adapting virtual content based on the user’s environment and behavior. This could include adjusting the placement of virtual objects to align with real-world features or modifying virtual interactions to better suit the user’s context.
  • Insightful Analytics: Spatial analytics could provide valuable insights into user behavior and spatial patterns, enabling developers to optimize their applications and experiences. For example, developers could analyze heatmaps of user activity to identify popular areas or assess the effectiveness of virtual overlays in guiding users.
  • Advanced Navigation: Spatial analytics could power advanced navigation features, such as indoor positioning and navigation assistance. Apple Vision Pro could leverage spatial data to provide precise directions within complex indoor environments, helping users navigate malls, airports, and other large venues with ease.

By harnessing the power of spatial analytics, Apple Vision Pro has the potential to redefine how we interact with augmented reality and transform numerous industries, from retail and tourism to education and healthcare. As the technology continues to evolve, we can expect even more innovative applications and experiences to emerge, further blurring the lines between the physical and virtual worlds.

To wrap up:

Overall, Apple Vision Pro represents a significant advancement in the field of spatial computing, leveraging decades of research and development to seamlessly integrate virtual and physical environments. As the technology continues to evolve and mature, it holds the promise of revolutionizing various industries and everyday experiences, from gaming and entertainment to navigation and productivity. We will also see advancements in GPUs (Graphics Processing Units) play a crucial role in running spatial computing / AI tasks efficiently with reduced energy consumption. While Apple Vision Pro has yet to fully leverage spatial analytics, it holds significant potential for analyzing spatial data collected during user interactions. Spatial analytics involves extracting meaningful insights and patterns from spatial data, such as user trajectories, spatial relationships between objects, and spatial distributions of activity. By applying spatial analytics, Apple could further enhance the functionality and intelligence of its augmented reality experiences, enabling personalized recommendations, predictive capabilities, and more immersive interactions.